The Benefits Of Slimline Aluminium Windows

It’s starting to feel like summer is winding down, with schools due to go back in the next couple of weeks.

Green Aluminium Windows

This time of year, as the clocks are shortly due to go back, it’s beneficial to entice as much natural light indoors as possible. Our Slimline Aluminium Windows do just that.

As the temperatures cool off, it’s likely many homeowners will be spending more time indoors, but it’s important to still benefit from as much Vitamin D as possible. After all, natural light is extremely beneficial to our health and well-being.

Aluminium is incredibly strong and therefore the frames can be moulded to create a slender profile, leaving plenty of room for glazing. Whereas other materials couldn’t be made so slim, it is not an issue when manufacturing with aluminium.

The expansive glass will welcome plenty of natural light into your home, creating a bright and welcoming atmosphere.

In addition to contributing to a more light-filled home, many homeowners choose our Slimline aluminium windows for their minimalistic styling. As the name suggests, they are undeniably sleek, perfect for contemporary homes.

Like all our aluminium products, the frames undergo an 11-stage powder-coating process, resulting in a vibrant finish that won’t chip or peel. The durable finishes are ideal for the challenging Scottish weather, ensuring your windows remain looking their best for years to come.

Aluminium is considered a “Green Metal” by the Council for Aluminium in Building due to it being recyclable. Our aluminium window range is A-rated, which has been certified by the British Standards Institute, making them incredibly energy efficient. The energy efficiency of our slimline aluminium windows will help save you money on your monthly bills.

There are many more benefits to our Slimline Aluminium Windows. If you want to discuss them further, head to our Hamilton showroom or call us on 01698 440152.


Over the years Crystal Clear have perfected their fitting service to become one of the best throughout Lanarkshire, Glasgow & Ayrshire. We encourage you to visit us at our Hamilton showroom to speak with our professional design teams and see our exceptional products up close.


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